Hi readers! As we head into the holiday weekend, check out this excerpt from a freshly published work of speculative fiction. Explosive Chemistry is an urban fantasy, paranormal slow-burn romance set 30 years into a hopeful future where fossil fuels are obsolete. Liliana, a reluctant spider-kin fortune teller, is faced with the task of solving …
Tag: Urban Fantasy
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/11/22/explosive-chemistry-by-paige-e-ewing-excerpt/
Nov 11 2023
The Portable Door by Tom Holt
I hope The Portable Door is a cracking good movie — it’s an Australian feature released in early 2023 — because the premise is terrific. Young graduate Paul Carpenter lands a job at the venerable London firm of J.W. Wells & Co., though even after the job interview he’s not entirely clear what it is that …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/11/11/the-portable-door-by-tom-holt/
Oct 30 2023
Two Graves, Vol. 1: Wish You Were Here by Genevieve Valentine, Ming Doyle & Annie Wu
Hunh, I didn’t even realize this was a volume one until I went to catalog it on my Goodreads. So this is a weird one for me. Sometimes, after reading a book, I’ll go check out other reviewers’ opinions on the afore-mentioned Goodreads because I feel like I should maybe be having a different reaction …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/10/30/two-graves-vol-1-wish-you-were-here-by-genevieve-valentine-ming-doyle-annie-wu/
Oct 29 2023
What Abigail Did That Summer by Ben Aaronovitch
All three Rivers of London novellas that have been published to date — The Furthest Station, The October Man, and now What Abigail Did That Summer — have left me wanting more, which is a fine recommendation for books that are meant as light, if occasionally spooky, entertainment. The stories all take place in and …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/10/29/what-abigail-did-that-summer-by-ben-aaronovitch/
Oct 28 2023
The Destroyer of Worlds by Matt Ruff
Reader, I was invested. Possibly even enthralled. At one point, I thought “Matt Ruff, if you XXXXX, I am throwing this book right out of the train window, and possibly Lovecraft Country too as soon as I get home and put my hands on my copy.” Not because the event would have been cheap or …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/10/28/the-destroyer-of-worlds-by-matt-ruff/
Oct 17 2023
Monster Support Group: The Mummy’s Curse by Laura Suárez
What an utterly charming book about learning how to listen to others! The Mummy’s Curse is ostensibly the story of a stubborn young pharaoh doomed to remain trapped in her mummy form, possibly for all eternity. Anatiti, the mummy in question, is “celebrating” her 3000th Death Day with the other monsters of Deadbury’s Monster Support …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/10/17/monster-support-group-the-mummys-curse-by-laura-suarez/
Oct 12 2023
Freaking Romance: Volume One by Snailords
One of the problems with putting a long-running webtoon into graphic novel form is that it can be hard sometimes to figure out what makes a good stopping point. And that’s pretty much my only criticism of this (now complete) paranormal romance story, as two haunted people discover that they’re sharing an apartment with something …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/10/12/freaking-romance-volume-one-by-snailords/
Sep 26 2023
Art Brut, Vol 1: The Winking Woman by W. Maxwell Prince & Martín Morazzo
with colors by Mat Lopes, backup colors by Chris O’Halloran, and letters & design by Good Old Neon. This is easily one of the most intelligently artistic graphic novels I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. You don’t have to be an art history major to enjoy this book but a passing familiarity with the …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/09/26/art-brut-vol-1-the-winking-woman-by-w-maxwell-prince-martin-morazzo/
Sep 17 2023
The Furthest Station by Ben Aaronovitch
Odd reports from the Metropolitan Line of the London Underground have come to the attention of Peter Grant and the Special Assessment Unit he’s a part of. They’ve come through as part of a project to deal with sexual assaults and offensive behavior on the transport system, and part of that was “improving reporting rates …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/09/17/the-furthest-station-by-ben-aaronovitch/
Aug 17 2023
Cla$$war (Vol 1) by Rob Williams, Trevor Hairsine & Travel Foreman
with, in my opinion, extremely important art continuity provided by colorist Len O’Grady. A transition between artists can feel really jarring, but Mr O’Grady did a spectacular job of keeping things consistent, such that I wouldn’t even have noticed a different artist on my first reading if I hadn’t already known that going in. And …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/08/17/clawar-vol-1-by-rob-williams-trevor-hairsine-travel-foreman/