Growing up, I never thought I’d be the mother to three boys. I always imagined having daughters whom I would try to guide through life with grace and thoughtfulness based on my own experiences. While my sons are a delight, there are certain subjects I feel less than perfectly equipped to advise them on. Unsurprisingly, …
Tag: Non-fiction
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Jul 03 2023
The Couscous Chronicles by Azzedine T. Downes
Stories Of Food, Love, And Donkeys From A Life Between Cultures. With a foreword by Dr Jane Goodall. I am so glad Azzedine T Downes’ friends persuaded him to write a book about his travels, because this memoir is amazing! Funny and thoughtful, it’s a wonderful debut and hopefully the first of many more fascinating …
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Jun 01 2023
Kids Ask About: Bears by Christopher Nicholas
with terrific wildlife illustrations by Pedro Julio Gonzalez. If your kid ever goes through a hyperfixation stage on bears, then this is absolutely the book to get them. Chock-full of fun facts and interesting data, this slender volume is the perfect gift for any kid who wants to know more about the omnivorous mammal. Presented …
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Apr 26 2023
Bitches In Bonnets: Life Lessons From Jane Austen’s Mean Girls by Sarah J. Makowski
Okay, I know that no retrospective of Jane Austen’s work is complete without Anne Elliott, but why on earth would she have her own chapter here when she is about as far from a Mean Girl as I can think of in this canon? Elizabeth Elliot, absolutely. Ending on Anne is just a weird thematic …
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Apr 19 2023
Magical History Tour Vol. 12: The Samurai by Fabrice Erre & Sylvain Savoia
As someone who has spent a patently absurd amount of time playing Legend Of The Five Rings, a role-playing game heavily inspired by Far Eastern cultures, it’s always fascinating to me to see how lacking my knowledge of Japan actually is. Books like this one gently correct my misperceptions, in the most interesting way possible. …
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Mar 29 2023
The Story Of The Saxophone by Lesa Cline-Ransome and James E Ransome
If you think of the saxophone nowadays, you think of jazz musicians, perhaps John Coltrane and Stan Getz if you’re of a certain musical inclination, perhaps Lisa Simpson and Kenny G if your knowledge of the instrument tends more towards mainstream pop culture like my own does. But the saxophone has a long and storied …
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Mar 28 2023
OMFG, BEES! by Matt Kracht
with the absolutely delightful subtitle: Bees Are So Amazing and You’re About to Find Out Why. I am 100% the target audience for this humorous non-fiction book extolling the benefits and wonders of bees. Heck, I even wrote a hybrid role-playing/board game, Honey Hex, that benefits the National Wildlife Federation’s efforts to protect pollinators. In …
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Mar 16 2023
Recipe For Disaster: 40 Superstar Stories Of Sustenance And Survival by Alison Riley
This collection of essays with recipes is absolutely stunning, both visually and in the impact of the stories. Not all the essays come with recipes, which is why I hesitate to call it a cookbook, and some recipes have definitely been more rigorously tested and precisely presented than others. But overall this is an emotionally …
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Mar 09 2023
Maybe Swearing Will Help: Relax And Curse Your Ass Off In Cross-Stitch by Weldon Owen Publishing
Back when I was a lass, sometime between fifth and eighth grades, cross-stitch became A Thing at my school. I lusted after the beautiful kits some of the other girls had, and remember in particular running my hand longingly over a sampler kit of yellow roses at a notions store. I’m not sure if my …
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Feb 21 2023
Fitter. Stronger. Calmer.: A Mindful Approach To Exercise And Nutrition by Ellie Goulding
I’ll be honest, I and likely loads of others picked up this book because it has Ellie Goulding’s name on the cover. Lights is such a terrific album (I’m listening to it again as I type) and I always thought the media hubbub over her moving on from Ed Sheeran to Niall Horan was overblown. …
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