Tag: Mystery

Gothictown by Emily Carpenter (EXCERPT)

We have a publishing day treat for readers with an excerpt from Emily Carpenter’s brand new thriller Gothictown, out today from Kensington Books! Manhattan chef Billie Hope is feeling at a loose end: her restaurant has closed and she’s feeling more than a little lonely, despite enjoying the (unfortunately) abundant free time she now has …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/03/25/gothictown-by-emily-carpenter-excerpt/

Monti And Leo: A Mystery In Pocketville by Sylvie Kantorovitz

This second Monti & Leo book finds the two best friends embroiled in a series of conundrums, one light-hearted but one decidedly serious, as collecting mania comes to Pocketville! Mrs Sheep has generously allowed her collection of figurines to be displayed at the local library. As the Pocketvillians ooh and aah over the scope of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/03/24/monti-and-leo-a-mystery-in-pocketville-by-sylvie-kantorovitz/

Pretty Girls Get Away With Murder by Brandi Bradley (EXCERPT)

I’m ngl, pretty privilege is real. I don’t speak just from personal experience, but from watching pre-Crystal Palace Ben Chilwell get consistently picked for Chelsea and England despite being clearly outclassed by nearly everyone around him (this is, admittedly, a very niche example.) So when this terrific queer title came across my desk, I knew …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/03/13/pretty-girls-get-away-with-murder-by-brandi-bradley-excerpt/

From a Far and Lovely Country by Alexander McCall Smith

From a Far and Lovely Country by Alexander McCall Smith

Stop in and have some tea with Mma Ramotswe, or maybe head out to the orphan farm for a piece of Mma Potokwani’s fruitcake, or perhaps head into downtown Gaborone for lunch at the President Hotel with a side order of people-watching. In many ways, the books of the No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/03/01/from-a-far-and-lovely-country-by-alexander-mccall-smith/

Murdle Jr. Vol 1: Curious Crimes For Curious Minds by G.T. Karber

subtitled Solve Your Way Through 40 Puzzle Mysteries! I’m about to admit something deeply embarrassing for a puzzle aficionado: I think regular Murdle is too hard. Perhaps that is not even the best way to describe my reservations regarding the online game. I just think that certain information is implied in a way that requires …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/02/24/murdle-jr-vol-1-curious-crimes-for-curious-minds-by-g-t-karber/

The Case Of The Severed Alliance (Bad Machinery #10) by John Allison

I usually read a Bad Machinery book each Christmas, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it this past year. Book 10 is the very last book of the series, and I was not in the correct frame of mind to face the end of the stories featuring my favorite teen mystery solvers, not …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/01/09/the-case-of-the-severed-alliance-bad-machinery-10-by-john-allison/

Darkly by Marisha Pessl

You know how sometimes you have an author whose first work you encountered was so life-altering that you’re down for whatever they write after, no matter the quality of the subsequent output? Marisha Pessl is one of those authors for me. I fell in love hard with Special Topics In Calamity Physics, which was a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2024/12/30/darkly-by-marisha-pessl/

The Secrets Of Still Waters Chasm by Patricia Crisafulli (EXCERPT)

Hello, readers! Today we have an excerpt for you from a cozy mystery novel that’s been described as a blend of The Da Vinci Code and Murder She Wrote. The second book of the Ohnita Harbor mystery series finds our heroine once again compelled to help those who need it most, even if it puts …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2024/12/16/the-secrets-of-still-waters-chasm-by-patricia-crisafulli-excerpt/

The Kennedy Girl by Julia Bryan Thomas (EXCERPT)

As the year winds down, let’s look ahead at one of the most anticipated releases of 2025! In 1961 New York, a modeling scout appears seemingly out of nowhere, complimenting twenty-one-year-old Mia’s Jacqueline Kennedy look and offering her a one-way ticket to Paris. All she can think is: why not? Even so, she’s a bit …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2024/12/12/the-kennedy-girl-by-julia-bryan-thomas-excerpt/

Detective Beans & The Case of the Missing Hat by Li Chen

I am all about the comfort reads this week, and I’ll be blessed if I read anything as charming as this graphic novel is anytime soon! Detective Beans is a young cat obsessed with being a detective, even if that usually just takes the form of acting out his favorite movies for his mom and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2024/11/13/detective-beans-the-case-of-the-missing-hat-by-li-chen/