This bleak graphic novel follows the Viking-Age return of Hallstein Thordson to his Icelandic home. Seven years earlier, the Althing exiled him for his crimes. Now he’s come back looking, if not for redemption, then at least for rest at his father’s homestead. Alas, he returns to find his father dead and his stepmother wary …
Tag: Graphic Novel
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Mar 02 2023
Scurry by Mac Smith
What a brilliant addition this is to the subgenre of adventuring anthropomorphic animals! In a world seemingly abandoned by humans, an alliance of suburban mice and rats finds their supplies dwindling, even as the pickings from the houses around them grow ever slimmer. All scouts sent to the closest city, meanwhile, have failed to return. …
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Feb 22 2023
Marry Me A Little by Robert Kirby
This graphic novel might be the most relatable thing I’ve ever read about marriage, especially from the perspective of a white man. When gay marriage was legalized in 2013, Robert Kirby and his partner John had already been together for about a decade. They shared a dog and a house, and were thrilled that marriage …
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Sep 29 2022
The Loud House #16: Loud And Clear by The Loud House Creative Team
Y’know, I think this was the first Loud House anthology where I actually wasn’t clear on what the theme was, which is ironic given the title. That said, I really appreciated the editor’s afterword praising veteran comics letter Wilson Ramos Jr. His work graces the Loud House pages and ensures that it’s fully legible for …
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Apr 12 2022
World Class by Jay Sandlin, Patrick Mulholland, Rebecca Nalty & Justin Birch
Adrian “The Colombian Cannon” Molina is obsessed with football and dreams of being recruited to Nottingham FC. He knows he has talent, but he also knows he has a lot of work to do despite being a part of the Bogota Condors, Colombia’s premier U17 football team. During an exhibition match against England’s Regents United, …
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Feb 24 2022
The Casagrandes #2: Anything for Familia by The Loud House Creative Team
As much as I’ve enjoyed the chaotic fun of the Loud House comics, based on the hit show airing on Nickelodeon, I must say that I found this spin-off Casagrande volume much easier to consume, probably because the main cast wasn’t quite as ginormous as in the LH books! Granted, several of these stories have …
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Feb 22 2022
The Nightmare Brigade #1: The Case Of The Girl From Deja Vu by Frank Thilliez, Yomgui Dumont & Drac
Back when I had far more free time than I do now, I kept a dream diary and tried to practice lucid dreaming, in order to better understand my day-to-day existence and how my subconscious dealt with my issues (and, I’ll admit, to pinpoint when I had those weird prophetic dreams that often come across …
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Jan 26 2022
Magical History Tour #7: Gandhi, Soldier Of Peace by Fabrice Erre & Sylvain Savoia
I’ve found the Magical History Tour series to be incredibly intelligent and moving to date, but I did not expect to cry quite as much as I did while reading this seventh installment, and particularly over the life and times of a figure who’s become so familiar, I almost take for granted that I already …
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Jan 11 2022
The Smurf Tales Vol 3: The Crow In Smurfy Grove And Other Stories by Peyo
This latest volume in Peyo’s translated oeuvre certainly shows how far we’ve come since the days when borderline offensive jokes about Smurfette were considered, if not outright hilarious, then certainly acceptable consumption for young children. Behold how in the 50 or so intervening years, the Smurfs universe has acquired an entire other village of female …
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