“No one sends for a niece they’ve never seen before just to annoy her family and ruin her life. That, at least, is what I thought. This was before I had ever been to the city. I had never been in a duel, or held a sword myself. I had never kissed anyone, or had …
Tag: Fantasy
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2019/06/15/the-privilege-of-the-sword-by-ellen-kushner/
Jun 14 2019
An Interview With G. S. Denning, author of The Sign Of Nine
Q. I’ve never done a follow-up interview before! I’d like first to thank you for the delightful first interview we conducted. What new and delightful things have you encountered since last we spoke that you’d like to share with our readers? A. I’ve never done a follow-up interview, either. First! Double-first! Let’s do this. Well, since we …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2019/06/14/an-interview-with-g-s-denning-author-of-the-sign-of-nine/
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2019/06/04/wastelands-3-the-new-apocalypse-edited-by-john-joseph-adams/
May 26 2019
One Dark Throne (Three Dark Crowns #2) by Kendare Blake
I would not have predicted any of this from first starting this series, and I absolutely love that about these novels. All three queens have managed to survive the events of the first book, but Queen Katharine has come back… different. Betrayal will do that to you, of course, but even so, her former-and-perhaps-still beloved, …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2019/05/26/one-dark-throne-three-dark-crowns-2-by-kendare-blake/
May 11 2019
The Traitor Baru Cormorant (The Masquerade #1) by Seth Dickinson
Ngl, you’re either going to have to love economics or be okay with reading a lot about economics in order to enjoy this book. It’s essentially the tale of a socially rigid imperialism that sweeps up native peoples and cultures and crushes them under the guise of advancement and, ugh, social hygiene. Baru Cormorant is …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2019/05/11/the-traitor-baru-cormorant-the-masquerade-1-by-seth-dickinson/
May 02 2019
The Kingdom of Copper (The Daevabad Trilogy #2) by S.A. Chakraborty
God, this is one of those books that you know, logically, you should wait to read till the entire series comes out but you can’t help yourself, it’s so freaking good! The main problem with not waiting is that this is a densely populated, highly political series, so it’s easy to lose track of characters …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2019/05/02/the-kingdom-of-copper-the-daevabad-trilogy-2-by-s-a-chakraborty/
Apr 29 2019
Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch
Rivers of London introduces Peter Grant, a young policeman in London who is just finishing up an undistinguished starting round of assignments when he is asked to stand guard at a pre-dawn murder site and things go, as they say, a bit sideways. “Sometimes I wonder whether, if I’d been the one that went for …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2019/04/29/rivers-of-london-by-ben-aaronovitch/
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2019/04/27/the-lady-of-the-lake-by-andrzej-sapkowski/
Apr 14 2019
The Everlasting Rose (The Belles #2) by Dhonielle Clayton
So on the one hand, I didn’t get anywhere near as mad at this second (final?) book as I did at its predecessor, The Belles. There were still a few moments of “oh, come on” but they faded into insignificance next to the real problem with this book: it feels entirely rushed. It’s not even …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2019/04/14/the-everlasting-rose-the-belles-2-by-dhonielle-clayton/
Apr 01 2019
The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins
I nearly set this one down about a third of the way through. The violence just seemed gratuitous, played for yuks (and for yucks), divorced from anything meaningful going on in the story. I stuck with it because I was curious about some of the characters and, to be honest, because the book isn’t that …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2019/04/01/the-library-at-mount-char-by-scott-hawkins/