Tag: Fantasy

The Tides Of Time by Sarah M Eden (EXCERPT)

Hi, readers! Today we have an excerpt from a terrific time-travel romance (rated G!) by USA Today bestselling author Sarah M Eden. The Tides of Time is the first in a proposed series of swoony historical novels perfect for anyone looking for an escape from the nightmare of the modern day. In 1793 France, Lili …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/03/04/the-tides-of-time-by-sarah-m-eden-excerpt/

Tales From the Folly by Ben Aaronovitch

Tales from the Folly by Ben Aaronovitch

Since Rivers of London was first published in 2011, the series has grown to nine novels, five novellas, and 12 graphic novels. Along the way, Aaronovitch wrote a fair number of shorter stories that were set in the world of the series; sometimes he was asked to write them, as when Waterstone’s published special editions …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/02/22/tales-from-the-folly-by-ben-aaronovitch/

Winter Tide by Ruthanna Emrys

Winter Tide by Ruthanna Emrys

Ruthanna Emrys joins contemporary authors such as Kij Johnson, Victor LaValle and Matt Ruff in taking up the ideas and storylines of H.P. Lovecraft’s tales of cosmic horror, looking at them with twenty-first-century eyes and writing tales that wind up in very different places. Who would worship the inhuman and often malevolent gods from Lovecraft’s …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/02/08/winter-tide-by-ruthanna-emrys/

The Whitestone Chronicles, Volume 1: Ripley by Marieke Nijkamp & Tyler Walpole

with input from Critical Role, ofc, as this is part of the Legend Of Vox Machina universe. I have to admit that I’ve never really gotten into the CR lore and fandom, mostly due to the fact that when I have time for role-playing games, it’s because I’m playing them, not watching other people play …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/01/30/the-whitestone-chronicles-volume-1-ripley-by-marieke-nijkamp-tyler-walpole/

Gastronogeek: Gothic Recipes by Thibaud Villanova

The Gastronogeek himself Thibaud Villanova flies solo for this installment of his thoughtfully designed, geek-culture-inspired cookbook series. Despite embracing something of a goth aesthetic myself during college, I haven’t really consumed a lot of gothic media, as this book has definitely enlightened me to. Dracula and The Addams Family were, ofc, two unmissable properties, showcasing …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/01/28/gastronogeek-gothic-recipes-by-thibaud-villanova/

Lost In The Future Vol 1: The Storm by Damian & Alex Fuentes

translated from the original French by Tom Imber. This cute portal fantasy revolves around a group of school kids who go on a field trip to the ruins of a castle once owned by the Knights Templar. As a thunderstorm approaches, their teacher calls them all back to the bus. One “nerdy” group is carefully …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/01/23/lost-in-the-future-vol-1-the-storm-by-damian-alex-fuentes/

The Maid And The Crocodile by Jordan Ifueko

I ADORE Jordan Ifueko, but when I first started reading this book back in August, I bounced off of it hard. It’s been a while since I read Ms Ifueko’s first book, the amazing and heartbreaking Raybearer, and while the follow-up Redemptor was also good, it felt oddly clinical in comparison. Very, very good, but …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2025/01/03/the-maid-and-the-crocodile-by-jordan-ifueko/

Three in the Rivers of London Series by Ben Aaronovitch

Winter's Gifts by Ben Aaronovitch

I have more than a sneaking suspicion that Ben Aaronovitch wrote Amongst Our Weapons to deliver one particular joke. People who recognize the source of the book’s title will expect that some variation on the joke is coming, but they will have to wait until page 287. Nightingale delivers the setup in Latin, though he …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2024/12/28/three-in-the-rivers-of-london-series-by-ben-aaronovitch/

Wrapping Up

Time for some short takes to clear the desk for the coming year. In Urs Widmer’s Der Geliebte der Mutter (My Mother’s Lover) the first-person narrator tells the story of his mother’s life, beginning with the death of her lover, many years after her own death. Erwin died as he lived best, leaning over a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2024/12/27/wrapping-up-4/

Suitor Armor, Vol. 1 by Purpah

Okay, this might be the best of the covers Ten Speed Graphic has picked for its books recently but even this one barely hints at the charm of what lies inside, IMO. Suitor Armor is the tale of a young lady-in-waiting named Lucia, who’s been the companion and best friend of the king’s betrothed, Kirsi, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2024/12/20/suitor-armor-vol-1-by-purpah/