Tag: Children’s

Biindigen! Amik Says Welcome by Nancy Cooper and Joshua Mangeshig Pawis-Steckley

What a delightful picture book introducing Native American words and concepts to readers, young and old! Amik is a young beaver who is excited to host a gathering of her cousins at her river home. Her little sister Nishiime is curious but shy, and vanishes almost as soon as the others begin to arrive. While …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/03/14/biindigen-amik-says-welcome-by-nancy-cooper-and-joshua-mangeshig-pawis-steckley/

Glitterpony Farm by Tina Connolly & Norm Grock

What an absolutely delightful addition to the Choose Your Own Adventure canon! And, sneakily, a perfect Easter-time read for any kid who loves animals, especially magical ones. You, the reader, are spending Easter Sunday at your aunt’s place, Glitterpony Farm, at the beginning of spring break. Your mom thinks it’s a good idea for you …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/03/07/glitterpony-farm-by-tina-connolly-norm-grock/

The Moon Tonight: Our Moon’s Journey Around Earth by Jung Chang-hoon & Jang Ho

Happy Lunar New Year, readers! What more serendipitous opportunity for us to talk about the moon than in the first days of this auspicious time? This wonderful picture book details the way the moon orbits around the earth and how we experience it, both visually and via the tides. In prose that’s as carefully chosen …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/01/24/the-moon-tonight-our-moons-journey-around-earth-by-jung-chang-hoon-jang-ho/

Paris Hide-And-Seek by Masumi

translated from the original French by Anita Conrade. My sister went to Paris for her 40th birthday (lol, I went to The Melting Pot for mine) and got this delightful book for my youngest son Theo! Well, for all the kids, but since the protagonist is named Theo, it’s hard to believe that it’s not …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/01/17/paris-hide-and-seek-by-masumi/

The Loud House Vol 17: Sibling Rivalry by The Loud House Creative Team

This might be one of my last reviews of this series, and not due to any change in the quality of the book. Quite the opposite: it feels like my reviews are becoming static because the content is so consistent from volume to volume. That said, I don’t actually feel like this latest collection is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/01/12/the-loud-house-vol-17-sibling-rivalry-by-the-loud-house-creative-team/

Area 51 Interns #1: Alien Summer by James S Murray & Carsen Smith

I literally have no idea who “Murr” is but apparently he’s super famous on the Internet, and I got to read this cool book by him and Carsen Smith! This middle grade novel features Viv Harlow, who’s about to graduate middle school and is super anxious about having one last perfect summer with her best …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/01/04/area-51-interns-1-alien-summer-by-james-s-murray-carsen-smith/

The Case Of The Forked Road (Bad Machinery #7) by John Allison

Every Christmas, while the kids are exclaiming over toys and playing in relative harmony, I adopt benevolent mama pose and sit and read a Bad Machinery book while they giggle and coo (clearly romanticized, but if not now, when.) This year, I was so discombobulated by the book series’ change of format that I accidentally …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/01/02/the-case-of-the-forked-road-bad-machinery-7-by-john-allison/

I Don’t Care by Julie Fogliano, Molly Idle & Juana Martinez-Neal

This sweet picture book on what it means to be a true friend is a delight for adults and children both. The poem by Julie Fogliano tells the tale of two quite different children who don’t seem to be getting along. But as the book progresses, readers see that the kids, who seemingly began by …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2022/12/09/i-dont-care-by-julie-fogliano-molly-idle-juana-martinez-neal/

The Sisters #8: My NEW Big Sister by Christophe Cazenove & William Maury

Our favorite squabbling sisters in translation are back, from the dynamic creative duo of Cazenove & William! In this latest volume, Maureen and Wendy’s quarreling is getting so bad that their friends are setting up interventions. Can any of their efforts prevail against the tsunami-level bickering of the girls? Wendy is the older sibling, a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2022/12/02/the-sisters-8-my-new-big-sister-by-christophe-cazenove-william-maury/

Everyday Hero Machine Boy by Irma Kniivila & Trí Vương

Oh gosh, what an affecting middle grade graphic novel! Honestly, some of the most entertaining and moving writing out there today is in middle grade literature, and this title is absolutely part of those ranks. Everyday Hero Machine Boy starts out with an older couple, Mei and Goh, who are mostly in retirement from running …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2022/11/22/everyday-hero-machine-boy-by-irma-kniivila-tri-vuong/