This heartwarming children’s book is being marketed as a graphic novel but feels very much like a picture book to me. That said, both formats are good? Especially when the story and art are both so strong.
Our title characters are best friends. Otis is a long-haired guinea pig while Peanut is a naked mole rat. Over the course of the three stories collected here, the besties face a number of surprisingly complex challenges together, and deal with them sensitively and with a load of heart. Best of all, the situations they face are not uncommon for any young reader, and help set a template for how to grapple with each circumstance.
In the first and perhaps silliest of the stories, Otis needs a haircut but is afraid it will hurt. Peanut would like a haircut but doesn’t have any hair, so the two decide that a wardrobe update might help Peanut with a well-needed change.
In the second story, The Swing, our friends talk about how much Otis misses Pearl. The circumstances of why Pearl is gone are never discussed, but the friends talk about how hard it is to miss someone while also having happy memories of them.
The last story, The House, is a thoughtful look at what makes a house a home. And then be still my heart: a recipe for baked potatoes! (pictures after the jump)