Fables: The Deluxe Edition Vol 10 by Bill Willingham et. al.

While I’m going to review the rest of the series as a whole, I thought this book merited its own review, as it contains the entirety of the crossover with Jack Of Fables and has a distinctly different tone from the preceding books, being very much more a metaphysical caper and thus closer in theme to the JoF series. That said, it also contains the entirety of Werewolves Of The Heartland, which I reviewed as its own book and which seems, honestly, a bit like filler. Extra material, if one is feeling generous, and saves the purchase of the standalone, if one hasn’t purchased it already.

Anyway, this is a playful look at literacy and its attendants, and is quite charming but, in my opinion, devoid of any pathos, which I find quite a necessary part of a complete literary experience. It will also make not the most sense to people who don’t already follow Jack’s solo book, so while it is an interesting addition to the canon, I would not call it essential unless you really want to know what happens with Kevin Thorne, the world’s most annoying writer. But it’s witty and dreadfully meta, which carries a lot of weight with some types of reader.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2016/12/31/fables-the-deluxe-edition-vol-10-by-bill-willingham-et-al/

Death’s End (Remembrance Of Earth’s Past #3) by Liu Cixin

To give you a good idea of how enraging this book was, about 75% of the way through, my nerve broke and I started ranting about it in Bookclub chat, because I just couldn’t take it any more. I could overlook the utterly contemptible “she’s a woman, not a warrior” misogyny that permeates the book, I could even forgive the unrelentingly pessimistic view of humanity and our place in the stars and amidst alien civilizations. What I could not set aside was the smug philosophical laziness that permeated all the socio-political thinking. Aside from the gross misrepresentation of military discipline as totalitarianism, Liu Cixin not only paints space-going humanity as irrevocably tainted by totalitarianism, but espouses terrestrial (or solar system, really) totalitarianism as not only acceptable but admirable! What the fuck with this convenient flip-flopping, dude?! The tone is too sincerely cynical, like that boring af guy you meet in freshman year in college who thinks he’s God’s gift to politics because he’s read Mein Kampf critically, to leave room for interpreting this as commentary on the fickle nature of the human condition. I wanted to beat Mr Liu about the head and shoulders with the collected Vonnegut, in hopes of some of that wisdom and style passing to him by osmosis, because Death’s End is just a determinedly nihilistic and thus highly unrealistic view of how human societies actually function. Survival is the basis of our collective humanity: Escapism and all that shit would never be outlawed.

And even the science, which I found breathtaking and gorgeous in the previous books, fell short for me here. Sure, there are some interesting theories towards the end, but when Ice pronounces the solution to their (very obvious, Jesus Christ) problem, I literally yelled out, “Duh!” They spend so much time literally exploring escape velocities that only someone completely unfamiliar with foreshadowing would miss this incredibly obvious answer. And whose fault was it that they didn’t have that answer, btw? Our fucking idiot heroine’s, Cheng Xin’s. You guys, she is the worst. She fucks up humanity not once, but twice, due to what Mr Liu characterizes as “mother love” and which I, as a mother, am completely offended by. Bitch, do your duty! And if you’re not going to, at least fucking own up in the end, instead of going off on an incredibly stupid and, again, lazily inconsistent meditation on the role of duty in your life. I did feel a little pity for her the first time, even as I thought the charges of mundicide against the previous Swordholder absurd (seriously, there’s no corpus delicti in the future?) I spent most of the book waiting for her to die, as better people than her have been so casually offed in previous books in the series, but kept being assured that her fate was worse than death… until it wasn’t. Vomit. I suppose if you like her character, you will like the book. As it was, I found both her and the book repulsive.

Maybe I’m too much of an optimist, a believer in both survival and elevation through cooperation. Honestly, I liked the ending. I wasn’t at all bothered by the effects of the light tomb towards the end: bad shit happens, and we should all do our best in the little time we have. I just find it too hard to reconcile the note of hope in the ending with the “everyone is out to kill us” tone of the rest of the book. It’s lazy and stupid and just reads like Mr Liu wants to impress with flash instead of substance. A fucking terrible coda to a dazzling first novel and problematic but brilliant second.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2016/12/28/deaths-end-remembrance-of-earths-past-3-by-liu-cixin/

Fables: Werewolves Of The Heartland (Fables #17) by Bill Willingham et al

Not a great jumping on point for new readers, no matter what the press may say. I enjoyed it as a bit of filler story for Bigby on the road, and it answers a few questions raised by his time fighting in WWII, but I didn’t feel it was an essential part of the Fables canon. It was very interesting in its examination of insular white communities in the Midwest, tho it was all strictly allegorical. I dunno. Maybe that would have been enough back when it was published, but it doesn’t seem enough in these frightening times, with Nazis and anti-Semites rising to national prominence — and, horrifyingly, credibility — and threatening physical harm to Jews in small towns in Montana and Pennsylvania. I’m still coming to terms with the politics of Fables, and I won’t be able to write well about it till I’ve read the entire canon, so we’ll see. Obviously, Bill Willingham et al’s stance is commitedly anti-fascist. There’s a lot to parse, is all, in this examination of freedom and survival.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2016/12/24/fables-werewolves-of-the-heartland-fables-17-by-bill-willingham-et-al/

Witness In Death (In Death #10) by J. D. Robb

It’s weird, I feel like this should have been a more powerful story for me. All the plot points are there, plus it’s set in The Theatre, so this is exactly the kind of mystery I should love.

But there was something about it that was a little too overwrought, IMO. The killer’s little asides, in the form of a journal of some sort, felt jarringly out of character and not at all in step with the tragedy of the thing. And I really wanted to feel for Eve and for how this hit home and all that but… Idk, maybe if I hadn’t read it immediately after the self-pitying Conspiracy, if I’d had the sheer thriller of Loyalty as a buffer, maybe I would have liked this better. There’s a lot to be said for reading series fiction in order, after all.

Which makes the fact that I won’t have time to read more of this series before the latest comes out for review a greater pity. I rather like the sly subversiveness of the male-female relationships in re: physical attractiveness, and even if the initial coming togethers of the characters are the corniest things ever, the growth of the relationships afterwards are interesting to watch.

So many books, so little time! Would that my younger self had had this richness.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2016/12/24/witness-in-death-in-death-10-by-j-d-robb/

Wrapping Up

Both reading and writing have slowed significantly since November 8, and not only because of the election, though that has certainly played a major part in my slowdown. Time for some short takes, to clear the desk for the coming year.

Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. I read this in the summer, and I’ve been searching ever since for something new, or at least new-ish to say about the book. I haven’t succeeded. It’s as great as its reputation: bleakly, mordantly hilarious, with a core of humanity amidst the random and heartless horror of industrial war. The edition that I read has a preface that Heller wrote in 1994, detailing the combination of hard work, crafty promotion and good luck that built the book’s initial success and opened the door to perennial sales. I found that fascinating for its insight into how culture is produced. I wondered about the character of Milo as an anti-Semitic stereotype; I’m still not quite sure what I think on that score. A major major book.

Necessity by Jo Walton. The third in her Thessaly trilogy, in which Apollo and Athena set up a society for people to try to live in Plato’s Just City. I’m glad that I read these three as they were released, because the beginning of each successive volume is a huge spoiler for the ending of the previous book. Knowing that there are three, and knowing a little bit about each in advance will change the experience of reading the set. (Like knowing there’s Before Midnight and Before Sunset that follow Before Sunrise.) The other two did more for me, especially The Philosopher Kings. I think that’s because in this third volume Walton, of necessity, widens her focus. I preferred the tight constraints of the first two stories; I found that they gave an emotional sharpness to the events. There are some terrific moments in Necessity, especially the style of writing taken up by one point-of-view character, but I think I am more likely to return to either of the first two books.

Continue reading

Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2016/12/21/wrapping-up/

Conspiracy In Death (In Death #8) by J. D. Robb

Undoubtedly the weakest of the first nine books. I’m v glad I read this only after the ninth, as I would have strongly suspected the dreaded 8th-book slump and written off the rest of the series (well, excepting for the fact that I’m being paid to review the ninth, so would have read that anyway.)

The world-building is terrific as always but the intuitive leap that breaks the case made no Goddamn sense, and then there’s all the masochistic bullshit Eve puts herself through against the orders of doctors and her bosses. It’s one thing to understand her reactive stubbornness against her husband, Roarke, when he’s likely talking out of his ass half the time (and oooooh, that one scene where she goes to him looking for comfort and he’s a total asshole to her instead, on purpose, and I’m supposed to believe that this makes their relationship stronger instead of cracking a big fucking gap between them is toooootal bullshit) but to flay herself open despite the advice of experts in the field made me question all her judgment forever. Luckily, the next book, Loyalty In Death, does a much better job of having her not suck, so there’s that. Also? There’s absolutely nothing in this book that you have to read to make any sense of the next one, so I’d highly recommend skipping it.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2016/12/18/conspiracy-in-death-in-death-8-by-j-d-robb/

Holiday In Death (In Death #7) by J. D. Robb

Another solid installment to the series. Loved the Christmas murder angle, even if I thought it was obvious, the way it usually is in Law & Order episodes, whodunnit. I also really enjoyed the exploration into Eve’s psyche: it’s nice that she’s kind of a horrible person but is working really hard at not being one (even if I thought that she was way out of line with Peabody, not necessarily when she yelled at her for Peabody’s dating choices but because of how rude she was when Peabody was, rightly, offended and stand-offish after. You can’t order someone to be your friend, Eve.) It also continues to wow me that anyone thinks Roarke is anything like a real person. I’m almost at the point where I’m thinking Roarke is a hallucination on Eve’s part, and that she really just happened to inherit a huge amount of money and this is her way of dealing with both her inheritance and her repressed sexual urges. Certainly a safer way of dealing with such than the perps in these books do!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2016/12/09/holiday-in-death-in-death-7-by-j-d-robb/

Naked In Death (In Death #1) by J. D. Robb

(Hunh, I thought I’d posted this when I’d originally reviewed it. Apologies.)

There is so much about this book to like, from the fully realized near-future setting to the compelling, scandalous murder mystery to the damaged protagonist (and victims) to the clear moral and political stance J. D. Robb has on women’s rights and crime and violence. But. And here I’d like to take a moment to assure readers who are fans of this series that what I’m about to say isn’t a criticism of you personally. Everyone is entitled to like the characters and relationships they enjoy, and when I criticize one of those, I’m not telling you you’re a bad person with terrible taste. There is so much about this book that is awesome, and woman-positive, but there is one hugely questionable part of it, and when I talk about him (yes, him, and you already know where this is going,) I want you to realize that this isn’t a criticism of you or the good parts of the book or your enjoyment of the book at all. But I can’t not talk about something, someone so problematic.

So yes, obviously, Roarke. My criticism is two-fold, and first is the believability of his feelings as presented in this book. Guys, no one falls in love like that. No one who’s made their money out of illegal dealings, who’s been involved with that many women, who’s clawed their way to respectability, is as open with their most vulnerable feelings the way Roarke proclaims to be. I buy that tough, damaged Eve Dallas shoots herself in the foot by getting involved with him. She’s completely believable, even when she’s being unbelievably stupid. But he is not a real person. No one who’s evaded suspicion and placing trust like that their entire life would then jeopardize their sense of self by telling a cop that they love her and meaning it, not over the course of several days.

But more importantly, I was really disturbed by his manipulative, abusive behavior. It’s not okay for him to ignore her stated wishes. At the very least, it’s disrespectful, and a terrible basis for a healthy relationship. Sure, he does nice things, but he also does really crappy things, and it all looks like he’s creating an unhealthy atmosphere of unpredictability around her that depends solely on his whims. That is classic abusive behavior, which I found completely repulsive. I’m supposed to believe that he knows better than she does what’s good for her, and that’s a negation of her personhood that I find utterly distasteful. Sure, he doesn’t actually sexually or physically abuse her, but treating her like less than a grown woman who needs to make her own decisions is a belittling that makes their relationship imbalanced and, again, unhealthy.

Also, the sex in this book really wasn’t that great. I’m glad I read Book 2 first because it’s definitely better than this one, and I can only hope that the series continues to improve as it goes along. This book was published in 1995, after all, and plenty of things change in twenty years. Hopefully, the books’ awareness of what’s healthy and not in a romantic relationship is one of those things that improve for the better as this series progresses.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2016/12/05/naked-in-death-in-death-1-by-j-d-robb/

Fables: The Deluxe Edition, Book Two by Bill Willingham et. al.

The only problem with reading comics in their original single-issue format is that, if you’re like me and disorganized and somewhat absent-minded (and thus, the kind of person who finds Goodreads a godsend for its ability to help me keep track of what I’ve read and what I haven’t,) a lot of times, you don’t remember whether you’ve read this or that issue or arc, especially if your comic-reading heyday was also when you moved around a lot a/o had to put books in the rather dubious care of family members.

Anyway, I was at the library the other day, spending far too much time fruitlessly hunting down a book for work. To console myself at the disappointment, I decided to take a look at the graphic novels section, and found they had almost all of the Fables Deluxe Editions! Having read most of the first Fables when they came out in single issues, then later when they were collected as trade paperbacks and bookstores were my primary source of comics-reading material, I wanted to pick up where I’d left off… only I couldn’t for the life of me remember where that was. Also, my phone bricked that day, further adding to my glum mood, so I couldn’t check Goodreads on the fly. What better reasons to just go ahead and restart the series! They didn’t have Book One, but I was pretty certain I’d read at least that, so I snagged far too many of the following volumes to take home and read between, um, other books.

And it was a lot of fun, just having an hour or so to myself between work assignments last night, to sit down and read this volume through. I knew so much of the general story but had forgotten so many of the details, and even plot points. It was nice to delve back into it and be able to read it all in one sitting. It was also nice to be reading it with my tablet by my side so I could look up the more obscure references (e.g. Aucassin and Feathertop,) an advantage I certainly didn’t have when first reading this series, oh gosh, I don’t even want to think how long ago.

Anyway, I’m super glad the Montgomery County Public Library has these, because they’re a terrific way to re-experience one of the best comic series ever published. Great writing, great art (especially Mark Buckingham; I still think of him and Chris Bachalo as Team Chrucky,) and a great addition to the library of any comics aficionado who can afford the splurge.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2016/12/05/fables-the-deluxe-edition-book-two-by-bill-willingham-et-al/

Hag-Seed by Margaret Atwood

This was 324 pages, really? It breezed by so quickly, an under-rated quality in serious fiction, and I was so, so happy to not cringe my way through another of Margaret Atwood’s recent works. Of course, she’s not completely off the hook, but her modern-day adaptation of The Tempest, a novel about a man whose life parallels the play’s in so many wondrously meta ways, is a sure-handed examination of what is easily my favorite of Shakespeare’s plays, sans the tiresome preachiness that permeates her eco-dystopian novels. There are, of course, bits that align themselves too easily with the play but, as with its source material, Hag-Seed isn’t above a little hand-waving to reach a neat conclusion.

And I really, really liked how Ms Atwood translated the play into the prison setting. Her empathy with the prisoners and her support for their literacy and enrichment programs was clear throughout, as was her belief in the transformative powers of the arts. I did also find myself admiring the lyrics she wrote, tho I did keep wondering if those were Hamilton-inspired. The chapters where the prisoners described the play’s characters’ after-lives were also compelling.

I’m not sure if I’ll read more of the Hogarth Shakespeare series, but I’m really glad I picked up this one. It’s a beautifully layered, swift and elegant read that incorporated the source material in an effortlessly clever way.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2016/12/03/hag-seed-by-margaret-atwood/