Das Konzert by Hartmut Lange

Everybody who’s anybody among Berlin’s dead craves an invitation to Frau Altenshul’s salon. She has devoted her afterlife — much as she had devoted her life — to beauty, whether that was beautiful music, beautiful art, or the simple beauty of conversation among like-minded people. Max Liebermann was a painter who had lived a long life, and he is a regular visitor to the salon; more than that, he can call Frau Altenshul a friend. His indifference to the social jockeying that continued after the end of mortal life is just part of what keeps him high in her esteem. She also values his long experience, the openness of his discussion, and his passion for art.

Das Konzert by Hartmut Lange

The dead of Frau Altenshul’s salon are still attached to this world because they met their ends violently. Untimely ripped from life, they are unable or unwilling to go to their final rest. They can see the world as it is, and the world as it was at the time of their death, but as Lange depicts this afterlife they are unable to affect the material world, and they are also unable to develop themselves further. They are stuck in between. Or are they?

Liebermann and Altenshul hear that an acclaimed pianist, Rudolf Lewanski, has come to Berlin. He was a rising star of the musical world before the Nazis shot him at age 28 in the occupied Polish city of Łódź. As has become clear in the novella’s initial chapter, the visitors to Frau Altenshul’s gatherings are all Jewish, and they all perished in the Holocaust. Lewanski is a particularly unquiet ghost; since his death, he has wandered the continent, a few weeks in London, a few months in Prague, here and there, never still. Frau Altenshul tries to persuade him to stay in Berlin, saying that in the new era — the book was published in 1986 and seems to take place roughly about that time — he has nothing more to fear in the city.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2024/09/21/das-konzert-by-hartmut-lange/

Tantalizing Tales — September 2024 — Part Two

Had a mini panic attack when I thought we were in October already: reading all the spooky stories currently rolling out will definitely do that to a reviewer! But here we are considering the middle to late part of September and all the intriguing books that I haven’t quite had the time to get to yet but am sincerely hoping to.

First is a holdover from August that I’m finally having to admit defeat at being able to slot into my packed/chaotic schedule. Not Nothing by Gayle Forman is a heartwarming intergenerational tale with a historical angle. Our young hero Alex has had it rough. His father’s gone, his mother is struggling with mental health issues, and he’s now living with an aunt and uncle who are less than excited to have him. Almost everyone treats him as though he doesn’t matter at all.

So when a kid at school actually tells him that he’s nothing, Alex snaps and gets violent. Fortunately, his social worker pulls some strings and gets him a job at a nursing home for the summer rather than a stint in juvie. At the nursing home, he meets Josey, a 107-year-old Holocaust survivor who stopped bothering to talk years ago, as well as Maya-Jade, the granddaughter of one of the residents with an overblown sense of importance. Unlike Alex, Maya-Jade believes that people care about what she thinks and that she can make a difference.

Alex and Josey form an unlikely bond. With Josey confiding in him, Alex starts to believe that he can make a difference, too — a good difference — in the world. If he can truly feel he matters, Alex may be able to finally rise to the occasion of his own life.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2024/09/20/tantalizing-tales-september-2024-part-two/

I, Too, Am Here by Morgan Christie & Marley Berot

Time to take a break from spooky season reads to cherish a book that will mean so much to any immigrant or person of color.

Inspired by Langston Hughes’ iconic poem I, Too, this children’s picture book follows a young girl who tries to figure out racism and xenophobia as it’s directed at her family. Her grandmother is a hardworking Black immigrant who used the money earned from three jobs to bring her son, the narrator’s father, over to join her in her new country. Her mother moved away from the United States of America’s Jim Crow South, where Mom saw and experienced legally enforced inequality and the struggle for civil rights firsthand. Even in the present day, small incidents at school remind our young narrator that people can still react poorly and hurtfully to the color of her skin out of sheer prejudice.

To help comfort and inspire the narrator, her mother reads to her the poem I, Too, and explains that she belongs right where she is. Diversity is strength, and no one should feel ashamed of their cultural background or racial heritage. While the book does not further expound on the fact that it’s the content of one’s character and actions that are the only basis upon which people should be judged as members of any even halfway decent society — understandably given its remit as a picture book — it does provide an affirming message to any child who fears that the hatred of others means that they don’t have a right to grow up and live where they are.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2024/09/19/i-too-am-here-by-morgan-christie-marley-berot/

The Strange Tales Of Oscar Zahn: Volume 1 by Trí Vương

Me while reading this book: Why am I crying?!

Me reading the artist’s bio at the end: Oh, because this is one of the creators behind Everyday Hero Machine Boy, which was another extraordinary graphic novel that I also did not expect to make me cry.

If you’ve read my last two reviews, you’ll know that this has been an unsettlingly emotional week for me, not helped by my eldest interrupting my reading of The Strange Tales Of Oscar Zahn last night to show me the latest PSA from Sandy Hook Promise. Poor kid didn’t expect me to be openly weeping by the end of the announcement, as he gave me consoling tissues, hugs and an “I’m sorry, Mommy!” Nothing for him to apologize for, I told him, even as the mantle of anxiety and sorrow that comes with living in 21st century America weighed me down. And good thing, I told myself, that I’d taken ninety minutes out of my afternoon earlier to go get a spa pedicure, which definitely helped work at least a little of the prior tension out of my body.

And while we’re at it, it’s time for a little PSA of my own: if you, dear reader, have been thinking about doing some self-care — a nap, some yoga, a spa treatment, whatever you’ve been wistfully wishing you had the time to do — take this as your sign to go for it. We live in a stressful peak-capitalist world that overemphasizes productivity and appearances at the expense of internal health and I have no doubt that you deserve a break.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2024/09/18/the-strange-tales-of-oscar-zahn-volume-1-by-tri-vuong/

Goth Parenting by Casey Gilly & Robin Robinson

subtitled The Dark Joys of Raising Baby Bats.

Readers, everything is making me emotional recently. Whether it was yesterday’s Camp Twisted Pine stabbing me in the heart again with a pain first inflicted almost a year prior, to today’s wonderful Goth Parenting reinforcing to this tired (and temporarily single) mom that I’m doing okay if not outright great, I have been having outsized feelings lately. Fortunately for my mental health, any negativity has been counteracted by the warmhearted nature of both books, and especially by this delightful guide on being a goth parent. ‘Cause you know who are undoubtedly some of the best parents in the history of popular media? Ur-Goth parents Gomez and Morticia Addams. They love their kids wholeheartedly, support their interests even when they conflict with their own, and are unapologetically, unreservedly themselves, setting a terrific example for their kids as the latter sally forth into the world and figure out who they are as individual human beings. And that’s exactly the kind of thinking that permeates this wonderful little volume on how to parent as a person who enjoys the darker or even just more offbeat side of living.

This fast, humorous read touches lightly on many aspects of parenting, divided primarily into sections by the age of the little one. It dispenses sage advice, from baby proofing the goth home to dealing with rebellion in older children. At all times, it emphasizes the importance of empathy and care when raising children, all in a tone that is darkly luminous, rather like the silver of a full moon gilding the nighttime clouds before it.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2024/09/17/goth-parenting-by-casey-gilly-robin-robinson/

Camp Twisted Pine by Ciera Burch

Oh wow, getting into this hit hard. Like Ciera Burch, I never went to sleepaway camp, and wound up writing a book/game on the subject. I designed that roleplaying game on my former best friend, the same way choreographers create dances on certain performers. Unfortunately for me, that person I relied on and trusted more than anyone else in the world destroyed our relationship almost exactly a year ago. So getting into this book that otherwise seems very tailor-made for me reopened a lot of still-healing wounds, forcing me to contend with emotions that I thought I’d already dealt with successfully.

Because this isn’t just a fun story about kids going to summer camp, with a diverse cast, sapphic first crush, loads of nature info, supernatural adventure and a setting in New Jersey’s Pine Barrens (with, yes, campfire stories about the Jersey Devil!) It’s also very much the tale of a girl who’s been thrust into the role of the quiet, obedient eldest daughter, who loves nature but loves it most from the cool tranquility of library research, whose parents’ marriage has undramatically but irreversibly fallen apart. When Naomi’s parents first float the idea of sending her and her younger twin brothers to Camp Twisted Pine for a few weeks, Naomi is resistant not only because she’s not the outdoorsy type, but because she knows perfectly well that her parents are going to use the trip as an opportunity to reset their home life and move her Dad out of the family home without actually telling any of the kids.

Naomi, being an eminently reasonable kind of person, just wants her parents to talk to her. She doesn’t want to come home and find that life has changed all around her. Her parents might think it’s okay to make decisions about her life without consulting her, but there really are some things that need to be discussed as a family, not just handed down by fiat. And even tho Naomi knows that she can’t change her parents’ feeling about each other, it still hurts to be treated like an object, as if her feelings about all the change their family is going through don’t matter. Worst of all, when creepy and downright dangerous things start happening at camp, she tries to call her dad — the parent she knows will actually give her the time of day — and he refuses to listen to her, assuming that she’s just making excuses to come home. In fact, none of the camp counselors will listen when she tries to tell them that one of her cabin mates has gone missing in the woods.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2024/09/16/camp-twisted-pine-by-ciera-burch/

Shards of Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold

As the fortieth anniversary of its publication approaches, I suppose it’s fair to call Shards of Honor an old-fashioned space opera, although the series it kicked off is open-ended and its most recent work appeared just six years ago. Somehow I missed the Vorkosigan saga when it was becoming a big thing in science fiction — four Hugos and five further nominations as a finalist, one Nebula a four more appearances on the shortlist — and I am slowly catching up. I picture the books as mass-market paperbacks, so I have been reluctant to do the easy thing and download electronic editions. When I was in Texas earlier this summer I found seven books from the series, including a couple of omnibus volumes, at a used-book store. Now that I have editions I like, I am diving in.

Shards of Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold

I will grant that my interest in the book’s form is a little eccentric, but the relationship between length and story is an important one in any novel, and keeping to the constraints of a 250-page paperback meant that Bujold moved her tale along at a quick pace. She had to choose what to focus on, to deliver her scenes with economy, and leave room for readers to imagine what happened in between. At the length of Shards of Honor a recent Hugo winner for best novel was still moving its main characters into place for the story to really get started. I’m having trouble getting into a more recent space opera — one modelled on Alexander the Great — and I suspect that the pace it’s taking to head toward its eventual ending at about page 500 is a major reason. I’m hardly averse to big books, but not every story can hold up that much weight. Especially in a genre like space opera, less can easily be more.

Shards of Honor does not read like the start of a series that would grow to well more than a dozen books. Its ending is open, but it’s generally self-contained. Here’s how it starts: Cordelia Naismith, part of the Survey service of Beta Colony, has led a small party to explore and begin cataloging the life forms of a previously unvisited earthlike planet. At least her team thinks that the planet has not been visited. Unfortunately for them, the warlike people of Barrayar have already established a small presence; worse, they have done it geographically quite close to where Naismith and company are exploring. The novel opens with Naismith observing an attack on her party’s campsite, though she does not immediately recognize it as such, and their ship’s rapid escape into the atmosphere. Aral Vorkosigan is one of the warlike Barrayarans, and he was in command of the people who attacked Naismith’s team. Or at least he was supposed to be, but the attack was part of a mutiny led by his group’s political commissar. Vorkosigan was supposed to die in a conveniently confused situation, and indeed the other Barrayarans leave the scene thinking him dead.

It’s an inauspicious meeting between Naismith and Vorkosigan, the more so because he has an interstellar reputation as a brutal army commander. Naismith is dismayed to find out who she and a fellow surveyor who was neurologically wounded in the fighting have been stranded with. Soon, though, she discovers that he is more honorable than reputed. They reach an accommodation that may enable the three of them to survive, and possibly find a way off the planet. They are still deeply at odds, likely to end up on opposite sides of a war, but Naismith and Vorkosigan must cooperate to keep themselves and the wounded man alive. The attraction that develops between the two of them seems at once natural and impossible, and the two are experienced enough adults to recognize both aspects.

An author with less story to tell would have made the trek a whole book; Bujold gives it three and a half chapters. After that, complications and escalations come fast, and the characters are forced to choose many times between desire and duty, especially once the war does come. Bujold springs surprises, brings along some moustache-twirlingly awful villains, and gives her characters consequences to go along with their choices. Fortunately, some of the consequences are good; otherwise Shards of Honor could easily have spun into a tragedy rather than a space opera. But this is not that kind of a book. This is the kind of book where the main characters have a great deal of agency, where they come from the top reaches of their respective societies, where they give orders, take chances, and make things happen. It’s great fun to read.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2024/09/14/shards-of-honor-by-lois-mcmaster-bujold/

Out Of The Drowning Deep by A.C. Wise

“Ooh, more please!” were my exact thoughts on finishing this remarkably dense and deliciously chewy novella.

Many years into the future, the gods will reveal themselves on a planet called Bastion, upending faith and religion as humanity knows it forever. Gods are real and angels are real and demons are real, just perhaps not in the forms that doctrine had always insisted on. Bastion itself becomes a place not only of pilgrimage but of record, as the automaton known as Scribe IV dutifully copies down all the prayers sent into the aether. His own position at the monastery complex is somewhat controversial, as certain parties grumble at the very blasphemy of his artificial nature.

As time passes, however, decentralization and entropy take their toll, rendering Bastion a backwater. The monastery and grounds fall into disrepair, and are run by what’s essentially a skeleton crew of foundlings left on their doorstep over the years. It’s not the most exciting of places, but everyone is clothed and fed and safe, which is more than can be said of life on neighboring satellites. Perhaps some of the senior staff are more petty than Scribe IV thinks reasonable, but they all have a much better existence here than they might elsewhere.

So none of the staff, including Scribe IV himself, are particularly thrilled when the Pope suddenly decides to hold a conclave at Bastion, summoning all the leaders of humanity’s varied religions. The Pope’s aim is to declare the end of religion itself, an obviously contentious maneuver. To this end, Bastion must hire in as much contract crew as they can, even as the Pope settles in before the arrival of his guests.

It’s thus a terrible shock when the Pope is found murdered in his chambers shortly after. The Sisters Of the Drowned Deep seize their chance, putting Bastion on lockdown until they can find the murderer. Not entirely trusting the Sisters’ mercies, Scribe IV sends out a desperate call for impartial investigators that finds its way to an unlikely team-up of detectives.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2024/09/13/out-of-the-drowning-deep-by-a-c-wise/

Mindful With Me: Connecting With Your Child Through Daily Mindfulness by Sarah Dennehy

with charming illustrations throughout by Natalie Garber Martin.

My middle child has a problem: sometimes when he gets frustrated, even over the most seemingly innocuous of things, he’ll have a crying, screaming, snot-filled emotional meltdown in absolutely no proportion to the triggering incident. This doesn’t happen to either of my other children, who tend to look on in bemusement whenever Joseph has one of his “big baby” moments, as they call it (yes, I know it’s not very kind, but sometimes it make Joseph laugh and feel less rageful. Heaven knows, the other kids could use a laugh in the face of such intensity, too!) And since it can be hard to figure out what exactly will set him off or when, I’m always on the lookout for solutions that will help him regulate his emotions and regain his composure in a healthy manner.

As a generally mindful parent who’s big on self-awareness (and wishes she had way more time to do yoga,) I usually try to get him to deal with these big emotions by engaging in some very simple breathwork. If you’ve ever watched Daniel Tiger, you’ll know exactly what I mean when I say that we do the “When you feel so mad that you want to roar, take a deep breath and count to four” song. But that doesn’t always work, so when this book landed in my inbox, I knew I had to prioritize reading it, not only for review here but to see if I could glean any useful tips in working specifically with my middle child. If I got anything I could also use with my other kids, that would definitely be a bonus.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2024/09/12/mindful-with-me-connecting-with-your-child-through-daily-mindfulness-by-sarah-dennehy/

Haunt Sweet Home by Sarah Pinsker

I wonder why this was published by sff stalwart tordotcom instead of by its horror imprint, Nightfire, as the also creepy (and just as speculative, if not more so) Crypt Of The Moon Spider was. Regardless, I’m so glad that this novella has been released as a standalone book, perfect as a quick-ish read as the cold and dark start to roll in to where I live in downcounty Maryland.

Mara is the odd duck in her family of overbearing overachievers. She doesn’t really know what to do with her life despite being well into her twenties. She keeps trying community college but mostly works in retail, and does some light maintenance work on her uncle’s rental properties in exchange for a break on the rent of her own apartment.

When her oldest cousin Jeremy mentions that he has an opening behind the scenes of the cable TV show he’s hosting, Mara is initially reluctant to accept. But community college sucks, so after a few misfires, she finally joins him on the set of his ghosthunting/home reno show, Haunt Sweet Home. The show focuses on homeowners who have just bought a fixer upper that may or may not be haunted. The day crew focuses on the home makeover part of the show, while the night crew focuses on the hauntings. As Mara quickly learns, production is not above creating a few unsettling effects of their own in order to make for good television.

As a non-union production assistant on the night crew, Mara is at the very bottom of the pecking order, so is given the most uncomfortable and annoying tasks. She doesn’t super mind this: being a general dogsbody means that she doesn’t have to think too much, and skulking around in the dark has never really bothered her, given her upbringing. But when a floater from the day crew starts tagging along to help her out, Mara starts to question what’s really going on around her. The show might be manufacturing ghosts for its viewers, but could some of those ghosts end up being real?

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2024/09/11/haunt-sweet-home-by-sarah-pinsker/