I don’t know if this is the perfect complement or counterprogramming to my eldest child and I watching and really enjoying Agatha All Along together. Probably a little of both — tho my kid will likely have little interest in this book, alas.
That might be for the best tho, as it’s A Chilling Tale for Dark Days and Long Nights, and I think my kids consume too much horror content as it is (even if the YouTube stuff they gobble down is hilariously terrible, with absurd special effects and wooden acting.) In this horror novella, a bestselling self-published suspense author and her teenage son live in a fairly remote cottage in the Somerset Levels. Angie is a single mom with a penchant for wordplay and a devotion to Christmas passed down through her family, but in a wry sort of manner. She and her son Rust put up offbeat DIY ornaments, change the words in Christmas carols to turn them into Christmas “cruels”, and engage in inexplicable but harmless rituals, like stuffing their mince pies with too much mince and putting broken biscuits in a long-disused pet bowl for Santa’s reindeer.
In the manner of countless teenage boys of the 21st century, Rust has a podcast. His focus is on local paranormal phenomena. Angie hates the idea but tries to be supportive, tho Rust can’t help but notice that some of her jokes are meaner than others. Still, they’re pretty close for a mother and son, and look forward to engaging in the usual Christmastime customs.