What a brilliant addition this is to the subgenre of adventuring anthropomorphic animals! In a world seemingly abandoned by humans, an alliance of suburban mice and rats finds their supplies dwindling, even as the pickings from the houses around them grow ever slimmer. All scouts sent to the closest city, meanwhile, have failed to return. …
Category: Graphic Novels
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/03/02/scurry-by-mac-smith/
Feb 22 2023
Marry Me A Little by Robert Kirby
This graphic novel might be the most relatable thing I’ve ever read about marriage, especially from the perspective of a white man. When gay marriage was legalized in 2013, Robert Kirby and his partner John had already been together for about a decade. They shared a dog and a house, and were thrilled that marriage …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/02/22/marry-me-a-little-by-robert-kirby/
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/02/02/the-girl-who-married-a-skull-and-other-african-stories-edited-by-c-spike-trotman-kate-ashwin-kel-mcdonald-taneka-stotts/
Jan 02 2023
The Case Of The Forked Road (Bad Machinery #7) by John Allison
Every Christmas, while the kids are exclaiming over toys and playing in relative harmony, I adopt benevolent mama pose and sit and read a Bad Machinery book while they giggle and coo (clearly romanticized, but if not now, when.) This year, I was so discombobulated by the book series’ change of format that I accidentally …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2023/01/02/the-case-of-the-forked-road-bad-machinery-7-by-john-allison/
Dec 22 2022
Age Of Bronze: Betrayal (Part One) by Eric Shanower
reissued in full color throughout, with the colors exquisitely done by John Dallaire. I remember the first time I read the first book in this series. Having been a bit of a Greek mythology buff in my youth, I was completely blown away by how historically accurate Eric Shanower was in his depiction of the …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2022/12/22/age-of-bronze-betrayal-part-one-by-eric-shanower/
Dec 16 2022
Down to the Bone: A Leukemia Story by Catherine Pioli
What an absorbing, educational and ultimately devastating graphic novel depicting the artist’s own journey with cancer, from diagnosis through treatment until her own untimely end. Catherine Pioli never got sick or injured as a child, so thinks she’s finally outrun her long streak of good health when her back and shoulder pain get so bad …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2022/12/16/down-to-the-bone-a-leukemia-story-by-catherine-pioli/
Dec 12 2022
Galaxy: The Prettiest Star by Jadzia Axelrod & Jess Taylor
Minor disclaimer: Jadzia and I are friends via the Space Gnome Discord server. I was actually a little hesitant to read and review this because of our connection (which is dumb of me: I should always try to boost my friends!) but I’m super glad I finally found the time to. To all appearances, Taylor …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2022/12/12/galaxy-the-prettiest-star-by-jadzia-axelrod-jess-taylor/
Dec 02 2022
The Sisters #8: My NEW Big Sister by Christophe Cazenove & William Maury
Our favorite squabbling sisters in translation are back, from the dynamic creative duo of Cazenove & William! In this latest volume, Maureen and Wendy’s quarreling is getting so bad that their friends are setting up interventions. Can any of their efforts prevail against the tsunami-level bickering of the girls? Wendy is the older sibling, a …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2022/12/02/the-sisters-8-my-new-big-sister-by-christophe-cazenove-william-maury/
Nov 22 2022
Everyday Hero Machine Boy by Irma Kniivila & Trí Vương
Oh gosh, what an affecting middle grade graphic novel! Honestly, some of the most entertaining and moving writing out there today is in middle grade literature, and this title is absolutely part of those ranks. Everyday Hero Machine Boy starts out with an older couple, Mei and Goh, who are mostly in retirement from running …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2022/11/22/everyday-hero-machine-boy-by-irma-kniivila-tri-vuong/
Nov 14 2022
Making Friends (Making Friends #1) by Kristen Gudsnuk
Was absolutely delighted to find this in my Sharing Library, and can’t wait to get my eldest to read it before putting it back in for the next lucky household to enjoy. Our heroine Danielle is having a hard time adjusting to life in the seventh grade. Sixth grade was fine as she had the …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2022/11/14/making-friends-making-friends-1-by-kristen-gudsnuk/