It was one of the nicest surprises of my reviewer life to receive this package, unsolicited, in the mail! Back when the American Library Association’s Annual Conference was held in DC two years ago, I was subcontracted by Wizards Of The Coast to run D&D games for librarians. As part of my experience, I got …
Category: Games
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May 15 2024
Thailand: A Color-Your-Own Travel Journal & London: A Color-Your-Own Travel Journal by Evie Carrick
with illustrations by Emma Taylor. As someone who enjoys both travel and art, the idea of Color-Your-Own Travel Journals absolutely appeals to me. While the prospect of actually creating my own travel journals from scratch seems immensely daunting, having guides like these, that provide not only outlines to apply my creative imagination to but also …
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Apr 19 2024
Keepers Of The Light: Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray & Lily Moses
A few weeks ago, I moseyed over to my favorite local bookstore for a free Tarot reading by the phenomenal Jane Prompeng. I was super intrigued by the way she incorporated Oracle cards into her readings, especially since the cards she pulled for me from this deck were so beautiful and, ultimately, meaningful. When their …
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Apr 09 2024
The Ultimate RPG Game Master’s Guide by James D’Amato
subtitled Advice And Tools To Help You Run Your Best Game Ever! There is so much useful information packed into this relatively slender volume, not only for anyone aspiring to run role-playing games but also for more experienced Game Masters looking to hone their skills. All the advice here is system agnostic by design, which …
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Mar 18 2024
Pretty Simple Coloring: Joy by Adams Media
subtitled 45 Easy-To-Color Pages Inspired By Whimsy And Fun. With bonus review of Pretty Simple Coloring: Love: 45 Easy-To-Color Pages Inspired By Happiness And Love, as the publicist generously sent me a copy of that book, as well! Adult coloring books are still going strong, with the market increasingly diversifying to cater to various interests …
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Mar 15 2024
The No-Girlfriend Rule by Christen Randall
First of all, the No-Girlfriend Rule is bullshit. If you’re new to role-playing games and are told that your partner’s group doesn’t allow girlfriends, I don’t want you to have to spend time reading this (excellent) book to learn that that “rule” is manifest garbage, and you either need to find a new partner or …
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Mar 07 2024
Table Titans Club by Scott Kurtz
Y’all. Y’ALL! So many books about girls getting into D&D focus way too much on nonsensical interpersonal drama that often reveals the author’s inability to process their own emotions, but this? THIS?! Is the best book on being a young female roleplayer I’ve read in possibly forEVER. Val Winters is less than thrilled to be …
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Jan 09 2024
Divine Deco Tarot by Gerta Oparaku Egy
I have been trying really hard not to buy more Tarot decks, but the moment I saw the graceful figures Gerta Oparaku Egy uses on her cards, I knew I had to own this one. This deck was inspired by three disparate influences that resonate deeply with me. The first and most obvious is dance, …
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Nov 17 2023
Pokémon Oracle by KJM
an Unofficial Trading Card Divination system. I was wandering around one of my local bookstores, People’s Book in downtown Takoma Park, browsing while I waited for a free Tarot reading when I spotted this zine nestled amidst other esoterica. People’s Book, btw, is the only local store I know with an entire zine section, so …
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