subtitled Solve Your Way Through 40 Puzzle Mysteries! I’m about to admit something deeply embarrassing for a puzzle aficionado: I think regular Murdle is too hard. Perhaps that is not even the best way to describe my reservations regarding the online game. I just think that certain information is implied in a way that requires …
Category: Games
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Jan 30 2025
The Whitestone Chronicles, Volume 1: Ripley by Marieke Nijkamp & Tyler Walpole
with input from Critical Role, ofc, as this is part of the Legend Of Vox Machina universe. I have to admit that I’ve never really gotten into the CR lore and fandom, mostly due to the fact that when I have time for role-playing games, it’s because I’m playing them, not watching other people play …
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Jan 22 2025
Beginner Chess Puzzles by Martin Bennedik
subtitled 500 Practice Exercises to Take Your Game to the Next Level. Despite being a huge fan of games and puzzles of all kinds, chess has never been my thing. I have tried since I was a kid to learn and enjoy it but I get super bored and, frankly, can’t see all the options …
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Jan 10 2025
Venice: A Color-Your-Own Travel Journal by Evie Carrick & Emma Taylor
I was very lucky as a child to be able to travel extensively, both with my parents and on my own in college. Venice was one of the places my parents brought me, and it still lives indelibly in my mind as one of the most romantic cities of the world. So when I got …
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Jan 07 2025
Fairy House Disaster by Tina Connolly & Norm Grock
a Choose Your Own Adventure book! Can I say how much I love Chooseco’s Dragonlark series of CYOAs for younger kids, and especially the ones with female protagonists? I remember always wishing I had books like Fairy House Disaster as a kid, instead of having to pretend to be some dopey pre-teen boy making less …
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Dec 24 2024
That’s Dickens with a C and a K, the Well-Known English Author
Marley was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. Scrooge signed it: and Scrooge’s name was good upon ’Change, for anything he chose to put his hand to. Old Marley was as dead …
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Dec 11 2024
Terraria Volume 1 by Grant Alter, Brendan J. Vogel, Matt Clingempeel & Iwan Nazif
with colors by Digikore and letters by the talented Dave Lanphear. So let’s be honest: I found this book entirely confusing. It doesn’t help that the entirety of the second chapter was presented not backwards but bizarrely out of order. It was about Vale and Levi going to look for answers in other people’s homes, …
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Nov 14 2024
Vintage Birds: A Guidebook And Matching Game by Roger J. Lederer
For someone who’s not terribly outdoorsy, I really enjoy birds. I love bird art and have somehow, over the years, amassed a shocking amount of knowledge for someone who’s never really studied birds outside of appreciating their artistic depictions. I mean, I recently made it to the Championships of the latest Birds Mini League on …
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Sep 04 2024
The Little Witch’s Oracle Deck by Ariel Kusby & Olga Baumert
subtitled Symbols, Spells, and Rituals for the Young Witch. While I’ve tried to slow down in my acquisition of Tarot and Oracle decks (I mean, really, how many does a person actually need?)(and don’t ask me how many I have, I’ve stubbornly stopped counting,) I was so pleased when this oracle deck, aimed at young …
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