Category: Fantasy

Rage of a Demon King by Raymond Feist

The writing was pedestrian, the story uninspired, the plot ludicrous, the characters one-dimensional, and the series overall reads like a D&D adventure. But what can I say? I really enjoyed this book! It is refreshing these days to read a heroic fantasy in which the good guys are unambiguously good and the ending is unambiguously …

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A Dance with Dragons by George R. R. Martin

There’s not much I can say about this book without giving away spoilers, but I will say that it is the best one in the series so far. And I will give away at least one spoiler, just because it’s so good: Cersei finally gets her long awaited come-uppance. And Daenerys…oh, Daenerys…my heart beats for …

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More of Mr Potter’s Magic

Last night I was in the downtown bookstore to pick up some stuff for travel planning, and I glanced over at their bestseller rack. Number one was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. In English. The German edition won’t come out until October. The best-selling book in the store is in a foreign language. That’s …

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H. Potter and the Dearth of Regular Blogging

At least I’m not the only one. Good discussions here, here, here, here and here.

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