Movie review: Kingsman: The Secret Service
This combines James Bond-like debonair spying (including some very nice toys) with a Quentin Tarantino-esque love of joyful violence (there is a massacre that is practically an exercise in interpretive dance), leavened with a lisping Samuel L. Jackson and random humor. Not a great film, not a horrid film, just an entertaining film, one that I liked enough to write something about, mostly because of the interpretive dance.
(Interpretive DANCE)
Laura Eilers
Laura is Louisiana born and raised, and now lives in the Greater Washington DC Metropolitan area, where she landed after forays to Hawaii, Florida, Texas, and Colorado. She has a BA in Political Science, an MS in Project Management, and an MS in Information Systems Security, but that's only because she failed to find a program in Voracious Book Consumption.
She dreams of writing a terrible paranormal romance one day, but knows that chances are slim she'll actually get there. Meanwhile she works in Cybersecurity and enhances her crazy cat lady skillz.
She is still not a robot. But then a robot would say that, right?
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