Uneven, but some of these stories were pretty good. The scariest story was about an obsessive-compulsive whose condition is contagious. There is more than one story that is basically a revenge fantasy, which makes me wonder what goes on in King’s head these days. And there is more than one story featuring the stock King character of the Mean Rich Old Man of the type that appeared in *Bag of Bones*, something tells me King has come across this type of person more than once in his life. This is the kind of book to pass the time between connecting flights; none of these stories were really memorable, with the exception of “The Cat from Hell,” which is an all-time King classic. But King seems to have an ongoing propensity to churn out short stories as well as novels, which is an enviable talent.
Jul 13 2012
Just After Sunset by Stephen King
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thefrumiousconsortium.net/2012/07/13/just-after-sunset-by-stephen-king/